I've had a request to do some lunch-and-learns about the AniNIX, how we self-host, and how we manage some of our tools. We'll burn roughly the first 30-45 minutes talking through some concepts of how the AniNIX does what it does -- the rest of the time will be an open floor to ask anything you'd like.
We are going to use [Discord](https://discord.gg/2bmggfR), just for bandwidth reasons and ease of setup, to host the call.
* If you don't have a Discord account, it's pretty easy to sign up. Just swing by our Discord link and ask for the Lunch&Learn role after creating your account.
* We are taking questions by IRC for those folks looking for a little more anonymity.
Due to real-life obligations, the livestream portions are paused but we will be opening the floor for discussions each week with a commit and some discussion on its relevance. Hope to see you in the channel!
We are testing live-streaming to [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/darkfeather0664) and [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe-WNM2mbI51xoVZp3K_wFQ). If you're interested but not ready to join the Discord community, those options are open to you.
<!-- We hope to see you there! [Click this Google Calendar link](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=bzk4YmplZWpvdW52NWNoZjZna2dtZTNlNWJfMjAyMzExMjNUMTgwMDAwWiBjeGZvcmRAbQ&tmsrc=cxford%40gmail.com&scp=ALL) to add it to your calendar -- we'll be meeting in the 1200-1300 [US Central](https://time.is/CT) block on Thursdays.
There's no listed schedule of topics right now -- request some on IRC or Discord!-->