#!/bin/bash export YGGDRASIL="/srv/yggdrasil" option="$1" path="$2" newname="$3" #Offer help if [ "$option" == "" ] || [ "$option" == "-h" ] || [ "$option" == "--help" ] || [ "$path" == "" ] || [ $(echo $newname | grep -c '/') -ne 0 ]; then echo "AniNIX::Yggdrasil Bash API" echo 'Syntax: yggdrasil-get {dl|yt|mp3|sol|cp|mv} PATH [new file name in $PWD]' echo "Option:" echo "-- dl: Use wget" echo "-- yt: Use youtube-dl" echo "-- mp3: Use youtube-mp3" echo "-- sol: Use solarmovie-vodlocker-dl" echo "-- cp: Copy the file here." echo "-- mv: Move the file here." echo "-- mkdir: Make a folder" exit; fi #Make sure we're in the Yggdrasil project. if [ $(expr match "$PWD" "$YGGDRASIL") -ne $(expr length "$YGGDRASIL") ]; then echo "Not in the Yggdrasil directory."; exit; fi #unlock this directory chmod ug+w "$PWD" #Appropriately source the file if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo Couldn\'t unlock $PWD exit fi if [ "$option" == "dl" ]; then if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then wget -O "$newname" "$path"; else wget "$path"; fi fi if [ "$option" == "yt" ]; then if [ `echo "$path" | grep -c '/watch?v='` -eq 1 ]; then path="$(echo "$path" | cut -f 1 -d '&')" fi if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then youtube-dl -o "$newname" "$path"; else youtube-dl "$path"; fi fi if [ "$option" == "mp3" ]; then if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then echo "Renaming not available." fi if [ `echo "$path" | grep -c '/watch?v='` -eq 1 ]; then path="$(echo "$path" | cut -f 1 -d '&')" fi youtube-mp3 "$path"; yggdrasil-set-music-data *.mp3 fi if [ "$option" == "sol" ]; then if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then solarmovie-vodlocker-dl "$path" "$newname" else echo "Need a name." fi fi if [ "$option" == "cp" ]; then if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then cp "$path" ./"$newname" else cp "$path" . fi fi if [ "$option" == "mv" ]; then if [ "$newname" != "" ]; then mv "$path" ./"$newname" else mv "$path" . fi fi if [[ "$option" == "mkdir" && "$path" != "" ]]; then mkdir -p "$path" fi #Lock chmod -R ug-w "$PWD"