#!/usr/bin/env python3 # File: generate-systemd-vms.py # # Description: This file generates the systemd.service files that run our VM's # # Package: AniNIX/Ubiqtorate # Copyright: WTFPL # # Author: DarkFeather import os import shutil import sys import yaml filepath="../roles/Node/files/vm-definitions/" def WriteVMFile(content,hosttype,hostclass): ### Create the service files for the hosts # param content: the yaml content to parse # param hosttype: managed or unmanaged # param hostclass: the type of host as classified in the yaml global filepath for host in content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts']: cores = 0 memory = 0 vnc = 0 disks = '' mac = '' bridge = '' # Make sure the host definition has all the critera try: cores = str(content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['cores']) memory = str(content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['memory']) vnc = str(content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['vnc']) disks = ' '.join(content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['disks']) mac = content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['mac'] bridge = content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host]['bridge'] except Exception as e: print('Host ' + host + " doesn't have the attributes needed to be a VM -- skipping.") print(e) 1 == 1 # Write the file. with open(filepath+host+'-vm.service','w') as vmfile: vmfile.write('[Unit]\n') vmfile.write('Description=AniNIX/' + host + '\n') vmfile.write('After=network.target\n') vmfile.write('\n') vmfile.write('[Service]\n') vmfile.write('ExecStart=/usr/sbin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name AniNIX/' + host + ' -machine type=pc,accel=kvm') if 'uefi' in content['all']['children'][hosttype]['children'][hostclass]['hosts'][host].keys(): vmfile.write(' -bios /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd') vmfile.write(' -cpu host -smp ' + cores + ' ' + disks + ' -net nic,macaddr=' + mac + ',model=virtio -net bridge,br=' + bridge + ' -vga std -nographic -vnc :' + str(vnc) + ' -m size=' + str(memory) + 'G -device virtio-rng-pci\n') vmfile.write('ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID\n') vmfile.write('KillMode=process\n') vmfile.write('Restart=always\n') vmfile.write('User=root\n') vmfile.write('Group=root\n') vmfile.write('\n') vmfile.write('[Install]\n') vmfile.write('WantedBy=multi-user.target\n') print(host+'-vm.service') def GenerateFiles(file): ### Open the file and parse it # param file: the file to work on global filepath try: shutil.rmtree(filepath) except: 1 == 1 finally: os.mkdir(filepath) # Parse the yaml with open(file, 'r') as stream: content = yaml.safe_load(stream) # Add service files for each host WriteVMFile(content,'managed','virtual') WriteVMFile(content,'unmanaged','ovas') WriteVMFile(content,'unmanaged','test_ovas') if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("You need to supply an inventory file.") sys.exit(1) GenerateFiles(sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(0)