--- - name: Geth-Hub packages become: yes package: name: - motion - lirc state: present - name: Copy the SSH key authorized_key: user: "{{ depriv_user | default('pi') }}" state: present key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/geth.pub') }}" - name: Copy the motion config become: yes register: motion_config copy: src: "motion.conf" dest: "/etc/motion/motion.conf" - name: Restart the motion service become: yes when: motion_config.changed service: name: motion state: restarted enabled: yes # Thanks to https://wiki.geekworm.com/Raspberry_Pi_IR_Control_Expansion_Board for instructions setting up lirc - name: Set the dtoverlay become: yes lineinfile: path: "/boot/config.txt" regexp: "^dtoverlay=" line: "dtoverlay=lirc-rpi,gpio_in_pin={{ gpio_in_pin | default('18') }},gpio_out_pin={{ gpio_out_pin | default('17') }}" - name: Set the dtparam become: yes lineinfile: path: "/boot/config.txt" regexp: "^dtparam=" line: "dtparam=gpio_in_pull={{ gpio_in_pull | default('down') }}" - name: Copy the modules config become: yes template: src: "modules.j2" dest: "/etc/modules" - name: Copy lircd supplemental config register: lircd_supp_config become: yes copy: src: "hardware.conf" dest: "/etc/lirc/hardware.conf" - name: Copy lircd remote config register: lircd_remote_config become: yes copy: src: "lircd.conf.{{ inventory_hostname }}" dest: /etc/lircd.conf - name: Start the services when: lircd_supp_config.changed or lircd_remote_config.changed become: yes service: name: lirc state: restarted enabled: yes