#!/bin/bash # Ensure we are in the source directory. cd $(dirname $0)/.. # Role is first argument role="$1" if [ -z "$role" ]; then echo Need a role as first argument. exit 1 fi # Handle verbosity if [ "$1" == "-v" ]; then set -x shift role="$1" fi # Handle usage if [ "$role" == "-h" ] || [ "$role" == "--help" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 -h" echo " $0 \$role \$targetgroup [\$optional_inventory]" exit 0 fi # Find the root of the git clone while [ ! -d .git ]; do cd .. if [ "$PWD" == '/' ]; then echo "This needs to be run from the Ubiqtorate checkout" exit 3 fi done # Get the targetgroup targetgroup="$2" if [ -z "$targetgroup" ]; then targetgroup="$role" # Deploy a role to the server named for that function fi # Allow an inventory override inventory="$3" if [ -z "$inventory" ]; then inventory=examples/msn0.yml fi # Invoke the one-role playbook for the role on the targetgroup ansible-playbook -i "$inventory" -e "role=$role" -e "targets=$targetgroup" playbooks/one-role.yml # and return the exit status exit $?