#!/bin/bash # File: shadowarch-sync # # Description: This file syncs the ShadowArch customization files over the ones created by other packages, like filesystem and pacman # # Package: AniNIX::Foundation/ShadowArch # Copyright: WTFPL # # Author: DarkFeather seconds=10 echo "This will sync your /etc files with the AniNIX defaults and add the AniNIX GPG key for pacman." echo "Proceeding in $seconds seconds. Is this OK? [YES/no] " timeout $seconds cat | read answer if [[ "${answer,,}" =~ ^n ]]; then exit 0; fi rsync -avz /opt/aninix/ShadowArch/etc/ /etc/ keyid=D9DC5933A1B0D4F7 if ! gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg --list-key "${keyid}"; then pacman-key --add /usr/share/pacman/keyrings/aninix.gpg pacman-key --finger "${keyid}" pacman-key --lsign-key "${keyid}" fi