using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace AniNIX.TheRaven { public class Connection : IDisposable { private const int _ircReadTimeout = 200000; // We set this to the IRC mimimum of two minutes in microseconds //These privates will be the socket we use. private NetworkStream _networkStream = null; // This is the stream to use. private TcpClient _tcpClient = null; // This is the TCP socket for the stream. private StreamWriter _streamWriter = null; // This is the stream to write to private StreamReader _streamReader = null; // This is the stream to read from private String _host = null; // This is DNS name or IP of the host to talk to private int _port = 0; // this is the port number to connect to /// /// Connect to the host, populating the socket from the configuration options /// public Connection(String host, int port) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Verbose,String.Format("Connecting to host {0}...",host)); this._host = host; this._port = port; this._tcpClient = new TcpClient(this._host,this._port); this._tcpClient.ReceiveTimeout = Connection._ircReadTimeout; this._networkStream = this._tcpClient.GetStream(); this._streamWriter = new StreamWriter(this._networkStream); this._streamReader = new StreamReader(this._networkStream); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,"... Connected."); } /// /// Reads a line from the socket /// /// A string read from the socket public IRCServerMessage Read() { String response = null; while (response == null) { try { response = this._streamReader.ReadLine(); } catch (IOException e) { // If the socket times out, make sure the host is still alive. try { IRCPongMessage pingHost = new IRCPongMessage(String.Format("PING :{0}",this._host)); Write(pingHost); response = this._streamReader.ReadLine(); } catch (IOException f) { // If we get this, then the socket is dead and we need to signal throw new RavenTimedOutException(String.Format("{0}\n{1}\n",e.Message,f.Message)); } } if (response != null && response.Length > 3 && response.Substring(0,4).Equals("PING")) { // if the response is a PING message, PONG and read again. IRCPongMessage pong = new IRCPongMessage(response); Write(pong); response = null; } } IRCServerMessage readMessage = new IRCServerMessage(response); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,readMessage.ToString()); return readMessage; } /// /// Writes a line to the socket /// /// /// The string to write /// public void Write(IRCMessage toWrite) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,toWrite.ToString()); this._streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}\r\n",toWrite.GetOutgoingIRCString())); this._streamWriter.Flush(); } /// /// Is the user logged in? /// /// /// The username to check /// /// /// A boolean value representing whether the user is logged in or not /// public bool IsLoggedIn(String userName) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("Asking for user {0} login status.",userName)); String outgoing = String.Format("WHOIS {0}\r\n",userName); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("<<< {0}",outgoing.Trim())); this._streamWriter.WriteLine(outgoing); this._streamWriter.Flush(); String[] bySpace; do { String response = this._streamReader.ReadLine(); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format(">>> {0}",response)); bySpace = response.Split(' '); if (bySpace.Length > 1 && bySpace[1].Equals("330")) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("User {0} is authenticated.",userName)); return true; } } while (bySpace.Length < 2 || !bySpace[1].Equals("318")); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("User {0} is not authenticated.",userName)); return false; } /// /// Get the modes for a user /// /// /// the username to check /// /// /// A string with the modes. /// public String GetModes(String userName) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("Asking for user {0} mode.",userName)); String outgoing = String.Format("MODE {0}\r\n",userName); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("<<< {0}",outgoing.Trim())); this._streamWriter.WriteLine(outgoing); this._streamWriter.Flush(); String[] bySpace; do { String response = this._streamReader.ReadLine(); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format(">>> {0}",response)); bySpace = response.Split(' '); if (bySpace.Length > 9 && bySpace[1].Equals("330")) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("User {0} has modes {1}.",userName,bySpace[4])); return bySpace[4]; } } while (bySpace.Length < 2 || !bySpace[1].Equals("502")); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.VeryVerbose,String.Format("Cannot get user modes -- not a netadmin.",userName)); return ""; } /* CONNECTION NEEDS TO BE DISPOSABLE BECAUSE IT HOLDS A SOCKET */ /// /// Clean up this Connection, implementing IDisposable /// public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); // Dispose of this instance GC.SuppressFinalize(this); //The Garbage Collector doesn't need to finalize it. } /// /// Force the GarbageCollector to Dispose if programmer does not /// ~Connection() { Dispose(false); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,"Programmer forgot to dispose of Connection. Marking for Garbage Collector"); } // This bool indicates whether we are disposed of yet or not bool _isDisposed = false; /// /// Dispose of this Connection's resources responsibly. /// protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this._isDisposed) { //if we haven't already disposed of this, we should. if (disposing) { //No managed resources for this class. } // Cleaning unmanaged resources this._streamReader.Dispose(); this._streamWriter.Dispose(); this._tcpClient.Close(); this._networkStream.Dispose(); } this._isDisposed = true; } } }