using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AniNIX.TheRaven { public static class RavenCommand { // This is the string we return when people poorly format a command. public static String helpString = "Bad formatting! Type for help."; /// /// This is a contextual match of commands with actions for the bot to take. /// This will be a very long function, but watch for the /* HEADER */ sections to subdivide it. /// /// The socket being used represented by a Connection /// The message from the IRC server to respond to /// The Raven instance -- we use this to update various lists public static void Respond(Connection connection,IRCServerMessage incoming, Raven theRaven) { IRCClientMessage send = new IRCClientMessage(); /* CANCEL ON BLACKLIST */ if (theRaven.blacklist.Contains(incoming.user)) { return; } // Blacklisted people can't do anything. //Splits placed here for performance reasons String[] bySpace = incoming.message.Split(' '); String command = bySpace[0]; /* IDENTIFY the command and IRCClientMessage to send */ /* COMMON Commands everyone can use */ switch (command) { case "r.raven": send.ActionMsg("quoth, \"Nevermore!\"",; connection.Write(send); return; case "": send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; connection.Write(send); return; case "r.magic8": if (theRaven.magic8 == null) { send.PrivMsg("Magic8 not loaded",; } else { int location = theRaven.randomSeed.Next(theRaven.magic8.Length); send.PrivMsg(theRaven.magic8[location],; } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.tinyurl": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,incoming.user); } else { try { send.PrivMsg(RavenExecute.Command(String.Format("wget -q -O - \"\"$(api-keys tinyurl)\"&provider=x_co&url={0}\"",bySpace[1])),; } catch (Exception e) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,e.ToString()); send.PrivMsg("TinyURL error. Could not get link.",; } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.msg": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,incoming.user); } else { if (!theRaven.MailerCount.ContainsKey(incoming.user)) theRaven.MailerCount.Add(incoming.user,0); if (theRaven.MailerCount[incoming.user] >= 5) { send.PrivMsg("You cannot send more than 5 messages to the admins between resets. This has been logged.",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,String.Format("!!! {0} tried to send a message but couldn't -- attempts exceeded.",incoming.user)); return; } theRaven.MailerCount[incoming.user] = theRaven.MailerCount[incoming.user] + 1; //Try to append the message to the log StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bySpace[1]); for (int i = 2; i < bySpace.Length; i++) { sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(bySpace[i]); } try { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("/var/log/r.msg.log",true); writer.Write(String.Format("{0} - {1} left a message on {2} in {3}\n{4}\n\n",DateTime.Now,incoming.user,theRaven.Host,,sb.ToString())); writer.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,e.Message); ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,"Make sure user raven can write to /var/log/r.msg.log"); } try { RavenExecute.Command(String.Format("djinni admin \"Page from {0}\"",incoming.user)); send.PrivMsg("Sent!",incoming.user); } catch (Exception e) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,e.ToString()); send.PrivMsg("Mailer error. Could not send.",incoming.user); } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.uptime": try { send.PrivMsg(RavenExecute.Command("uptime"),; } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); send.PrivMsg("Can't get uptime",; } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.heartbeat": try { String[] byLine = RavenExecute.Command("heartbeat-client").Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < byLine.Length; i++) { send.PrivMsg(byLine[i],incoming.user); connection.Write(send); } } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); send.PrivMsg("Can't get heartbeat",incoming.user); } return; } /* SEARCHES */ foreach (String search in theRaven.searches) { if (search == null) continue; String[] byPipe = search.Split('|'); if (byPipe.Length < 3) { ReportMessage.Log(Verbosity.Error,String.Format("Incomplete search: {0}",search)); continue; } if (byPipe[0].Equals(command)) { send.PrivMsg(FormatSearch(byPipe[1],incoming.message,byPipe[2]),; connection.Write(send); return; } } /* ADMIN commands are allowed to whitelisted users */ if (theRaven.whitelist.Contains(incoming.user) && connection.IsLoggedIn(incoming.user)) switch (command) { case "r.quit": send.CreateCustomMessage("QUIT :Caw, caw, caw!"); connection.Write(send); throw new RavenExitedException(); case "": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg("This is the CrowFacts list of subscribers:",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); foreach (String user in theRaven.crowFactsSubscribers) { send.PrivMsg(user,incoming.user); connection.Write(send); } send.PrivMsg("End subscribers",incoming.user); send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else if (theRaven.crowFacts == null) { send.PrivMsg("CrowFacts not loaded.",; } else { if (!theRaven.crowFactsSubscribers.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.crowFactsSubscribers.Add(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg(String.Format("{0} has been subscribed to CrowFacts!",bySpace[1]),; } else { send.PrivMsg("Subscriber already added",; } } connection.Write(send); return; case "": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { if (theRaven.crowFactsSubscribers.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.crowFactsSubscribers.Remove(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg(String.Format("{0} has been unsubscribed.",bySpace[1]),; } else { send.PrivMsg("No such subscriber",; } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.join": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { if (!theRaven.channels.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.channels.Add(bySpace[1]); send.CreateJoinMessage(bySpace[1]); } else { send.PrivMsg("Already joined channel",; } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.part": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { if (theRaven.channels.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.channels.Remove(bySpace[1]); send.CreatePartMessage(bySpace[1]); } else { send.PrivMsg("No such channel",; } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.say": if (bySpace.Length < 3 || !bySpace[1].StartsWith("#")) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { StringBuilder newMsg = new StringBuilder(bySpace[2]); for (int i = 3; i < bySpace.Length; i++) { newMsg.Append(" "); newMsg.Append(bySpace[i]); } send.PrivMsg(newMsg.ToString(),bySpace[1]); } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.act": if (bySpace.Length < 3 || !bySpace[1].StartsWith("#")) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { StringBuilder newAction = new StringBuilder(bySpace[2]); for (int i = 3; i < bySpace.Length; i++) { newAction.Append(" "); newAction.Append(bySpace[i]); } send.ActionMsg(newAction.ToString(),bySpace[1]); } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.whitelist": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg("This is the whitelist:",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); foreach (String user in theRaven.whitelist) { send.PrivMsg(user,incoming.user); connection.Write(send); } send.PrivMsg("End whitelist",incoming.user); } else { if (!theRaven.whitelist.Contains(bySpace[1]) && !theRaven.blacklist.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.whitelist.Add(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg(String.Format("{0} has been whitelisted.",bySpace[1]),incoming.user); } else { send.PrivMsg("Already whitelisted or is a blacklisted user",incoming.user); } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.blacklist": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg("This is the blacklist:",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); foreach (String user in theRaven.blacklist) { send.PrivMsg(user,incoming.user); connection.Write(send); } send.PrivMsg("End blacklist",incoming.user); } else { if (!theRaven.blacklist.Contains(bySpace[1]) && !theRaven.whitelist.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.blacklist.Add(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg(String.Format("{0} has been blacklisted.",bySpace[1]),incoming.user); } else { send.PrivMsg("Already blacklisted or is an admin user",incoming.user); } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.greylist": if (bySpace.Length < 2) { send.PrivMsg(theRaven.helpText,; } else { if (theRaven.whitelist.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.whitelist.Remove(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg("User cleared from whitelist",incoming.user); } else if (theRaven.blacklist.Contains(bySpace[1])) { theRaven.blacklist.Remove(bySpace[1]); send.PrivMsg("User cleared from blacklist",incoming.user); } else { send.PrivMsg("No action needed",incoming.user); } } connection.Write(send); return; case "r.adminhelp": send.PrivMsg("r.adminhelp, to crowfacts, to unsubscribe, r.whitelist to make user bot admin, r.blacklist to block user, r.greylist to pull user off *list, r.say [channel] [message], r.join a channel, r.part a channel, r.quit to quit",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); return; // Commenting because I believe this to be unneeded // TODO Reevaluate /* case "r.ident": theRaven.IdentifySelfToServer(); return;*/ case "r.mailerreset": theRaven.MailerCount = new Dictionary(); send.PrivMsg("Mailer counts have been reset",incoming.user); connection.Write(send); return; } return; } /// /// This function returns a search string for the user to browse. /// /// this is the base of the search URL /// This is the string requested to be recombined. /// This is the character to use to combine the search arguments public static String FormatSearch(String searchBase,String request,String junction) { StringBuilder formattedString = new StringBuilder(searchBase); String[] elements = request.Split(' '); if (elements.Length < 2) return helpString; formattedString.Append(elements[1]); //First element is the command for (int i = 2; i < elements.Length; i++) { formattedString.Append(junction); formattedString.Append(elements[i]); } return formattedString.ToString(); } } }