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I've had a request to do some lunch-and-learns about the AniNIX, how we self-host, and how we manage some of our tools. We'll burn roughly the first 30-45 minutes talking through some concepts of how the AniNIX does what it does -- the rest of the time will be an open floor to ask anything you'd like.

We are going to use Discord, just for bandwidth reasons and ease of setup, to host the call.

  • If you don't have a Discord account, it's pretty easy to sign up. Just swing by our Discord link and ask for the Lunch&Learn role after creating your account.
  • We are taking questions by IRC for those folks looking for a little more anonymity.

Due to real-life obligations, the livestream portions are paused but we will be opening the floor for discussions each week with a commit and some discussion on its relevance. Hope to see you in the channel!