For more details on what runs on what host, look to [AniNIX/Ubiqtorate](/AniNIX/Ubiqtorate), particularly the `playbooks/deploy.yml` file, and the network traffic captured in [AniNIX/Sharingan](
The general idea here is thus:
* is the service subnet, with NAT access from Shadowfeed creating a pseudo-secured DMZ for other AniNIX-controlled machines.
* SSH and HTTPS access is then filtered through the NAT controls -- typically, traffic passes through Core to ensure the right security headers get set and only the approved applications get accessed.
* This also assists in letting Core's network IDS and IPS capture threat data for Sharingan.
* It also assists in that we have a central location for WAF and SSL.
* is the vendor subnet -- machines here get external access but no access to any host not themselves in Their DNS is also routed into
* Other subnets are reserved for testing.