public override String Description() { return "Substitution ciphers replace characters one-for-one.\nKey format is \"E[EEE]=d[ddd]\", where E is the character in the cipher and d is the intended character in the workspace.\n\nSubstitution can take multiple keys in a single invocation.\n\nExample usage:\nsub decrypt I=j -- replace each I in the input with j in the workspace.\nsub decrypt IN=jq -- replace each I in the input with j in the workspace, and each N in the input with q.\nsub decrypt IN=jq K=c -- do the above, and additionally replace each K with c.\n"; }
Console.WriteLine("Usage:\nsub encrypt key[s] -- encrypt with the key[s]\nsub decrypt key[s] -- decrypt with the key[s]\ntry-common -- try common sub keys\nhelp -- show this helptext.");