Clean up foreign packages & unneeded #29

opened 2023-11-16 12:11:09 -06:00 by DarkFeather · 0 comments

We probably want to remove any foreign packages or any packages not needed on servers -- these will be things not captured in this project. You can find these with these queries:

  • Foreign: pacman -Q --foreign
  • Explicit: pacman -Qe
  • Uneeded dependencies: pacman -Qddt

This should probably extend our patching playbook.

We probably want to remove any foreign packages or any packages not needed on servers -- these will be things not captured in this project. You can find these with these queries: * Foreign: `pacman -Q --foreign` * Explicit: `pacman -Qe` * Uneeded dependencies: `pacman -Qddt` This should probably extend our patching playbook.
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