2023-05-05 05:16:48 -05:00
files pacman hook was using wrong user 2023-05-05 05:16:48 -05:00
tasks Updating Foundation role 2022-09-15 13:16:08 -05:00
templates Whitespace cleanup to get in sync with AniNIX/Uniglot hooks 2022-11-20 20:03:01 -06:00
README.md Updating Ubiqtorate 2020-10-08 16:33:19 -05:00

The Foundation is a one-stop shop for source code from AniNIX developers -- it's an open repository form which people can pull source code and recreate the entities being used by the AniNIX. You can view its web frontend from [https://aninix.net/foundation this webpage].


The etymology of the Foundation is twofold. First and foremost, the AniNIX attempts to automate any new package it is using as much as possible, and as such the Foundation holds the very basis on which the AniNIX is built.

Secondly, the Foundation is the third piece of the charity trinity for the AniNIX, along with the Wiki and the [https://aninix.net/pages/charity.php short-term charity projects]. The AniNIX puts a lot of time into designing its projects and making sure they work. Rather than forcing others to redo this work, we offer commented code and documentation so that the process is transparent but the work-by-hand is minimized.Category:Charity

Relevant Files and Software

The Git system was created by the Linux project to manage changes to the kernel and has been on the rise for some time among Version Control Systems (VCS's) with projects like GitHub. The AniNIX self-hosts the repositories in [file:///srv/foundation/ the Foundation server folder] on Core.

WebServer is configured to translate the repository to [https://aninix.net/foundation/ the Web-accessible format] via the ArchLinux cgit package. Review the package list at that link and identify the source packages you want to use. Then use the following to clone the source, generally best done to /usr/local/src/ on Linux. Please note that the AniNIX uses Webserver translation to eliminate the need for a .git suffix -- web requests will show in CGIT, while Git clone requests will pull the package all from the same URL. Right-click on your package of choice from the web interface's index page and then clone that address.

git clone https://aninix.net/foundation/

New packages should make sure to refer to the Development Best Practices to ensure they are compliant with standards; if you notice an issue with the Foundation's code, make sure to submit a QANs. TeamGreen should be running regressions on these projects.

You can use [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hexedit-advanced-search/ Hexedit] to edit [file:///usr/share/webapps/cgit/cgit.cgi cgit.cgi] to have a different name, such as "AniNIX::Foundation Web".


For CentOS, one needs to use the following steps to install Mono. Packages like Cryptoworkbench, Heartbeat, Cerberus, and others require this.

  • yum install bison gettext glib2 freetype fontconfig libpng libpng-devel libX11 libX11-devel glib2-devel libgdi* libexif glibc-devel urw-fonts java unzip gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf libtool make bzip2 wget
  • [https://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/ Download Mono source]
  • tar xjvf the source package
  • configure; make; make install

Note: We used to declare the INSTALLER variable at the top of Makefiles, but no longer do. Non-ShadowArch installs should double check dependencies against the PKGBUILD files manually. We will try to keep this list short.

Available Clients

To get a client to access the Foundation, use one of the following or visit

  • ArchLinux: pacman -S git
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install git
  • RHEL/CentOS: yum install git
  • Windows: [https://git-scm.com/download/win Go here], but please be aware that file paths and such are coded for Linux. Windows users will need to conduct extensive code review to install these packages.
  • Mac: [https://git-scm.com/download/mac Go here]

Each package will need to be checked out individually.

Alternatively: ArchLinux users can add the following segment to the bottom of pacman.conf to install the packages as bundled by the AniNIX. We're working on adding GPG signing -- in the meantime, security-conscious users should build from source anyway.

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = https://aninix.net/foundation/

Equivalents or Competition

The most famous equivalent is [https://github.com GitHub]. Other source code control systems exist, including some provided by employers or academic institutions -- GitLab provides an enterprise-style implementation. Other protocol implementations vary widely -- Mercurial, Bazaar, and SVN are other revision control systems others use. We appreciate the flexibility of Git.

Additional Reference

Some core Git tools are leveraged in specific ways for the AniNIX.

Config for Author

Even though the Talk:IRC#Why_Not_SMTP, we still use the @aninix.net suffix for the user.email config property on branches. All commits, therefore, should have the proper-case of the user's IRC handle as the user.name attribute, and the lower-cased username followed by @aninix.net for the user.email attribute.

Tags for Semantic Versioning

We version our projects according to [https://semver.org/ Semantic Versioning] -- this versioning is established using the git tag as major and minor version, the git commit as the patch, and the number of commits since the tag as the ArchLinux release note.

[https://aninix.net/cgit/cgit.cgi/HelloWorld/tree/PKGBUILD Our HelloWorld PKGBUILD] demonstrates this -- most of the metadata for the package is populated directly by git, and only dependencies are tracked in the PKGBUILD itself.

Branches for Functional Improvements

All major functional improvements being worked should be tracked in a branch. The branch name should be the same as the QANs for which the branch was started or the functional concept's shortname.

Filter-branch to Prune

Git maintains a history of all files. If you need to remove files permanently, GitHub maintains [https://help.github.com/articles/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository/ an article] on how to use "git filter-branch" to purge it. }} Category:Public_Service